Dover Publications, Mineola, New York 1997
Miodrag Petkovic
Dover Book text from the back cover : " Here is a splendid collection of 110 puzzles, some adapted and some original with the author, and all built around some form of the chessboard, enerally the well-known 8x8 version. In this book you'll find a rich selection of arithmetical and probability problems, chessboard recreations, geometrical puzzles, mathematical amusements and games and more. In many cases, the author has modified standard problems with original twists that make them different and more interesting. To solve these puzzles, you don't have to be a chess player. All you need to know are the rules of the games, and, in some cases, not even that. Clearly described and accurately answered, these perplexing posers will appeal not only to math and chess buffs but also to anyone who enjoys testing his or her wits against a carefully selected array of the best puzzles in the recreational math iterature."
Original Dover (1997) publication, 110 puzzles. Solutions. 144pp. Paperbound. Price $5.95 in USA.
For ilustration see the selected problems from the book